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The Advantages of Smokeless Fuels

The Advantages of Smokeless Fuels

If you own an appliance that burns solid fuels, you’re not short for choice when it comes to the types of fuel available. As society takes a stronger focus on environmentally friendliness and air pollution, many people are searching for cleaner ways to enjoy their solid fuel fireplaces without sacrificing their unique and characteristic charm.

Smokeless fuels are one of the best options for many solid fuel appliance owners, and in this article, we’re looking at some of the advantages of using smokeless fuels in your home.

Better for the environment

A smokeless fuel is, as you might expect, a fuel that gives off a vastly reduced amount of smoke during the combustion process. A traditional solid fuel, such as house coal, will emit harmful smoke emissions which contribute to poor local air quality, while also producing carbon dioxide. Smokeless fuels — which include natural anthracite, a direct alternative to house coal — can cut CO2 emissions by 20-40%.

Smokeless fuels also give off around 80% less smoke than house coal. This is an essential factor for anyone who lives in a smoke control area.

Better performance

Smokeless fuels aren’t just better for the environment, they’re also a more effective, high-performance fuel for fireplaces and stoves. When compared to house coal, smokeless fuels burn longer and at a higher temperature, meaning they can keep a room warmer for longer. Not only is this more convenient, it’s also more cost-effective in the long term.

Easier on your appliance

After burning, smokeless fuels will leave behind less ash and less soot. This means that cleaning your appliance will be much easier and not as strenuous. Reduced ash also means less frequent cleaning of your stove grate, while the glass screen of your stove won’t become smeared or blackened as quickly or frequently. In this sense, natural anthracite and other smokeless fuels allow you to enjoy stove without as much upkeep or hands-on attention.


Smokeless fuels are a versatile — and therefore highly convenient — fuel source, as they can be used on a range of appliances. From boilers to multi fuel boilers and open fires, there are smokeless fuel types which can be used across multiple appliances, making it easy to find a solution which meets your specific requirements.

For appliances such as multi fuel boilers, smokeless fuels are a safer and more efficient choice.

Healthy home

In addition to the performance boost provided by smokeless fuels, research has shown that burning solid fuels contributes to a healthier home environment. Smokeless solid fuels can help to alleviate certain respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis and even hay fever. This is mainly due to increased chimney use, providing better ventilation through the home. Smokeless fuels further enhance this thanks to reduced smoke and particulate emissions.

If youre looking for a reliable supplier of quality smokeless fuels, including natural anthracite, smokeless coal and a range of smokeless boiler fuels, KG Smith & Son is here to help. We supply a comprehensive selection of solid smokeless fuels to suit any appliance and lifestyle, and our knowledgeable team are happy to advise if you need any help finding the right fuel for you. To find out more, or to arrange the delivery of solid fuel across the UKcontact us today.



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