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Winter Fuel Payment: What’s Changed?

Winter Fuel Payment: What’s Changed?

At the time of writing, we’ve just had our first real cold snap of the winter in England. That’s bound to have worried many pensioners already concerned about how they’re going to pay for their heating over the coming months.

Those concerns will only have added to fears raised by the change to Winter Fuel Payments recently announced by the government.

In this article, we’re going to explain what changes have been made to the Winter Fuel Payment and explore what you can do if you think you’re going to be affected.

Winter Fuel Payment - KG Smith & Son

The Winter Fuel Payment for 2024: what’s changed?

Originally introduced in 1997, the Winter Fuel Payment has previously been available to all pensioners, regardless of their means or ability to pay. With the new Labour Government seeking to cut the deficit inherited from its predecessors, it was announced in September that with immediate effect the Winter Fuel Payment would only be paid to those receiving pension credit. 

That means only some 1.5 million people will be eligible, as opposed to the 11.4 million who received it last year. The change is expected to save £1.3 billion this year alone, plus £1.5 billion every following year.

What is pension credit?

What Is Pension Credit? | KG Smith & Son

Pension credit is a benefit paid to those over State Pension age – currently 66 – who are having to survive on a low income. For a single person, pension credit can top up income to £218.15 a week, or to £332.95 per week for a couple.

Pension credit is also available to those who need extra help with housing costs, or who are disabled or carers.

In the face of criticism that the cut in the Winter Fuel Payments will mean pensioners having to go cold or choose between heating and eating, the government has been running a campaign to encourage those who are eligible for pension credit – but not currently receiving it – to apply.

It is estimated that there are about 880,000 households that are eligible for Winter Fuel Payments but are not claiming the pension credit they need to receive them. 

How you can heat your home this winter

How You Can Heat Your Home This Winter - KG Smith & Son

If you’re worried about how you’re going to stay warm this winter, the first thing you should do is check your eligibility under the new winter fuel allowance changes. To this end, the government has launched a pension credit awareness drive that details the criteria that determine whether you will be entitled.

If you are eligible, you’ll be able to claim a weekly payment of £200, or £300 if someone in your household is over 80 years old.

Meanwhile, you can also make your home heating work more effectively for you by using solid fuels to warm up a single room rather than by turning on the central heating to heat the whole house, even rooms that you barely use.

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Here at KG Smith & Son, we’re a leading supplier of a wide range of great value winter fuel products, including everything from smokeless coal and heat logs to Hotmax briquettes and kiln-dried firewood

We’re helping to make heating your home this winter more affordable by allowing you to pay for your solid fuel over the course of a year via monthly direct debit payments.

Find out more about winter fuel solutions from KG Smith & Son by getting in touch with us now.



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